final post.

Today I’m going to write about how I feel about the blogs I’ve done in the semester, first of all I would like to mention the theme that I likes the most, and it was the artist that I choose,  Jan Švankmajer, because I knew the information previously, so y didn´t have to seek to much additional information about it, instead I describe Švankmajer´s oeuvre and I tell my opinion about it. And my least favourite theme was “something I feel passionate about”, I remember that I take a lot of time to decide what to talk about and I finally wrote about playing drums although when I wrote it my drum was defined so I didn´t play that much drum in that time.
   A blog that I enjoyed to reed was one bout a Japanese animation studio, I like a lot this theme despite I´m not interested in Japanese animation specifically, the movies mentioned in the post are great and I liked the way how Nico tells his experience. Along this semester writing I have notice that now is easier to me express what I think or feel about a them and I can write more fluently, I think that make blogs is a good tool for learning, it oblige to practice your writing and usually to learn new words or expressions that helps you to express an idea in a better way.


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